If you are being harassed, call the police. It is important for you to know that anti-gay words or gestures that cause you to worry about your physical safety or damage to your property are illegal even if no physical violence or property damage occurs. Under Washington State law, hate crimes are called MALICIOUS HARASSMENT. Malicious harassment has occurred when any crime was motivated by the victim's perceived sexual orientation, including: threats/intimidation, theft/larceny, any assault, motor vehicle theft, vandalism, rape, robbery, arson, burglary, etc. In the Tacoma Police brochure on hate crimes, the "What You Can Do" section suggests that, "If you know the perpetrators, obtain an anti-harassment order from the Pierce County District Court at 930 Tacoma Avenue South".
phone: 253-234-9790 Our voicemail picks up after about 5 rings. Please leave a message. We'll get back as soon as possible. email: mail (at) pflagtacoma (dot) org regular mail: 3800A Bridgeport Way West, #124, Tacoma WA 98466. Note this is a PO Box, not our meeting location.
Talk over coffee
If you can't make it to our support meetings, we can have one of our members, or a couple, meet with you for coffee to talk about any questions or concerns that you have regarding a gay, lesbian, bisexual or gender non-conforming family member or friend. Just send an email to the address given above to set up a meeting time that is convenient for you.
Attend a support meeting
Our monthly in-person support meetings are still happening! Join us in person or via ZOOM (download here) each month. You can still also receive support by contacting us by email or phone.
Our monthly support meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of each month from 7:00 to 9:00pm, in person or on Zoom..
What happens at a typical meeting? Our meetings usually last about two hours. A part of that time is devoted to a presentation or focused discussion. But much of the meeting is reserved for people to talk about their problems and concerns, or to seek help in dealing with a difficult situation. We talk, we laugh, sometimes we cry, but hopefully most feel better when they leave than when they arrived.
Who attends these meetings? All kinds of people, which makes our meetings interesting! You'll meet mothers, fathers, seniors, young people, straight people, gays, lesbians, transgender people, etc. Some are seasoned members, some are new, but all are dealing in some way with the issues related to homosexuality in todays society. One thing is certain; all the members are either seeking help or are willing to help.
Am I likely to meet someone I know? There are a large number of people in the Tacoma area. Our attendance usually ranges between 10 and 50. The chances of meeting someone you know are small. Besides, even if you did run into an acquaintance, remember that they would be there for the same reason as you. Everyone at the meetings knows confidentiality is essential.
A list of our past program topics can be found here.
Downloadable resources
You can download helpful resources and find links to other online resources on our Resources page