WASHINGTON STATE UNIVERSITY WSU Elson S. Floyd College of Medicine Research Study Study Title: A Multiphase Mixed Methods Study On The Need And Efficacy Of A Compilation Of Gender Affirming Care Resources In Washington State.
Instructions: Please read the following information, and contact Katherine or Frankie if you are interested in participating or if you have any questions. We are asking you to take part in a research study being done by Dr. Dawn Kopp at Washington State University Elson S Floyd College of Medicine (WSU ESFCOM). Your participation in this study is completely voluntary. You may choose to not answer specific questions and are free to discontinue participation at any time.
If you choose to be in the study, you will complete an interview about your experience providing, seeking, or receiving gender affirming care. This interview or focus group will help us learn more about what resources are needed in Washington State for access to gender affirming care. We will use your input in order to produce a comprehensive website containing resources available around the state. The interview/focus group will take about 15-30 minutes to complete. After the website is published, if you are interested, you will be able to take part in a focus group to assess the website's effectiveness.
While we are not specifically asking participants to describe their past, in answering some of our questions, participants may recall parts of the past that may or may not be painful for them to remember. All answers provided will be completely anonymous. The audio recording of the interview or focus group will be destroyed after it is transcribed and deidentified. You can skip questions that you do not want to answer or stop at any time. This research is not likely to provide direct benefits to subjects, but the website could be a valuable resource for those in Washington state who are seeking gender affirming care.
Questions? Please contact Frankie Perry, Katherine Slack, or Dr. Dawm Kopp at [email protected], [email protected], or [email protected]. If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a research participant, you can contact the WSU Human Research Protection Program (HRPP) at [email protected]. This study has been certified as exempt by the WSU HRPP.
Q-PAL STUDY INVITATION AND INFORMATION: Do you have an LGBTQ+ parent or are you an LGBTQ+ parent?
Hello! The Families, Adoption, and Diversity (FAD) Lab at the University of Kentucky is recruiting for a research study about the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ parent families, funded by theWilliam T. Grant Foundation and theSociety for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. We are asking LGBTQ+ parents and their adolescent children to take part in survey-based research. If you are 12-19 years old and have at least one LGBTQ+ parent, or if you are an LGBTQ+ parent with a child aged 12-19, you and your family may be eligible to participate. Compensation will be provided. Additionally, we hope the findings can inform policy, practice, and future research to support LGBTQ+ parent families. If you are under age 18, please have your parent contact us. If you have any questions or would like more information, please email us at [email protected]. Followthis link to sign up!
Please let us know if you have any questions, we are happy to provide any clarifying information.
Thank you for your time!
Kevin McAweeney Ph.D. student, FAD Lab Department of Psychology University of Kentucky Dr. Rachel Farr Associate Professor Director, FAD Lab Department of Psychology University of Kentucky
Hello, from the Queer Social Work Lab in the Department of Family Sciences and Social Work at Miami University and the School of Social Work at the University of Nevada, Reno!
We are conducting a research study on transgender-exclusionary policies that affect transgender youth and their families (e.g., healthcare bans, athletic bans, bathroom bans, “don’t say gay” bills, child abuse investigations).
We are recruiting parents of transgender children who live in states where these policies have been introduced. Eligible parents will participate in a 1-hour confidential interview on Zoom. These interviews will ask about the impact of these policies on families of transgender children.
If you are interested, you are invited to complete a confidential screening survey to determine your eligibility. To access the screening survey, follow this link: https://tinyurl.com/transfamilypolicystudy
Participants will receive a $50 digital gift card for completing an interview.
Dear Community Advocate, I wanted to be the first to share exciting news of the Aging with Pride: National Health, Aging, and Sexuality/Gender Study (NHAS)'s recent launch of a new survey. One goal of this launch is to reach a new generation of study participants, adults turning 52-58 this year, who were not eligible to participate when our study first began. It is our hope that by hearing this new generation voice their thoughts, we will further deepen our understanding of how various life experiences are related to changes in aging, health, and well-being over time. The survey can be accessed by clicking "check your eligibility" at the top of our study website.
Here are some easy ways you can help us with ongoing study outreach efforts:
Forward this email to your agency's social media team and spread the word in your community. Sharable graphics are available here on our website.
Mention the survey in your newsletter.
Following us on social media would give your agency the opportunity to be one of the first to learn about new information about health disparities among LGBTQ mid-life and older adults, new study participation opportunities, and the launch of any new future interventions. Thank you for your continued support of the Aging with Pride Study! As the current population continues to age with growing health disparities among LGBTQ+ midlife and older adults, our work remains vital.
Best regards, Karen Karen Fredriksen Goldsen, PhD Director, Goldsen Institute Principal Investigator, Aging with Pride: National Health, Aging, Gender/Sexuality Study (NHAS) Professor, University of Washington [email protected]
LEVEL UP! is a study of 2SLGBTQIA+ youth and young adults’ experiences of video gaming and gaming communities.
Are you 14+ years old? Are you a 2SLGBTQIA+ person living in Canada, the USA, Mexico, the UK, or Australia? Do you enjoy playing video games?
Please take our survey and tell us how video gaming relates to your wellbeing!
Complete the survey and you could win one of the following…
1 x $250 Amazon gift card 2 x $100 Amazon gift card 10 x $50 Amazon gift card
Study Comparing Transgender Youth Life Experiences and Access to Care in the United States and the Netherlands Participants PLEASE CLICK THE ABOVE PDF FOR FULL INFORMATION
Needed: Transgender and Gender Nonbinary Youth and their Parents/Caregivers What are the goals of this study? Children’s National Hospital (Washington DC) and VU University Medical Center (Amsterdam, the Netherlands) are studying transgender youth life and care experiences in the United States as compared to the Netherlands (a country in Europe). The aim of this research is to understand which gender-related policies and practices most influence the wellbeing of transgender youth in each country. The study is funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Evidence for Action Program. The United States part of the study is led by Principal Investigator, John Strang (he/him, they/them), PsyD, Research Director for the Gender Development Program.
Q-PAL Study Invitation and Information: Do you have an LGBTQ+ parent or are you an LGBTQ+ parent?
Hello! The Families, Adoption, and Diversity (FAD) Lab at the University of Kentucky is recruiting for a research study about the lived experiences of LGBTQ+ parent families, funded by theWilliam T. Grant Foundation and theSociety for the Psychological Study of Social Issues. We are asking LGBTQ+ parents and their adolescent children to take part in survey-based research. If you are 12-18 years old and have at least one LGBTQ+ parent, or if you are an LGBTQ+ parent with a child aged 12-18, you and your family may be eligible to participate. Compensation will be provided. Additionally, we hope the findings can inform policy, practice, and future research to support LGBTQ+ parent families. If you are under age 18, please have your parent contact us. If you have any questions or would like more information, please email us at[email protected]. Followthis link to sign up!
Greetings, My name is Olivia Hucks and I am the community outreach coordinator for Project PASSION, which is a research project led by Dr. Dominic Parrott at Georgia State University in Atlanta, GA. The project is funded by the National Institutes of Health. Given the aims of PFLAG Tacoma, I think you would be interested in learning about this project.
We know that when people have healthy intimate relationships, their overall mental and physical health is good as well. Our primary goal is to conduct research that gives back to the LGBTQ+ community. Indeed, we hope that this information can be used to develop culturally-sensitive recommendations and programs to promote healthy intimate relationships for LGBTQ+ people.
Thus, in our project, we want to learn more about what can lead to healthy, and unhealthy, intimate relationships for LGBTQ+ people. Our project focuses on factors that lead to negative health outcomes as well as factors that promote resilience. We are seeking participants for a study that is completed entirely online.
Who is a good fit for the study? The study may be a good fit someone if: ·They and their partner are both 21 years or older ·They identify as LGBTQ+ and are in a relationship ·They currently drink alcohol (i.e., they are not in recovery) ·People of all genders and sexual orientations are welcome What would happen if someone enrolls in the study?We invite all interested people to call or visit our webpage to learn more (see contact information below). Each partner will earn a minimum of $40 for completing questionnaires and meeting with our research staff a video call (2 hours). Each partner can also earn up to an additional $145 for completing all online surveys (Study 2). Our team is very excited about this project. We believe that it can provide much needed data that will ultimately help to promote healthier intimate relationships for LGBTQ+ people, which again is one of the most important predictors of a person’s general physical and mental health.