2021 PFLAG video "What Would You Do/Say?" Minister Tim Phillips Rakhel Silverman "All Of Us" presentation by Angie Gonzalez Gay community & Acceptance in Downtown Tacoma Michelle Mary Schaefer, Deaf Artist/Performer/Writer Pride History "Lead with Love" Transgender discussion, Mary Bridge Gender Clinic resources for LGBTQIA+ panel Sean Heans: bullying & suicide prevention in k-12 schools, & Dani Smotrich-Barr: Americorps Fellow with GLSEN Washington Coming out Month! Panel Oliver Webb, Trans Day of Remembrance Dr. Robert Miner
2020 January 9 - Religious Tolerance (Pastor Shalom, FUMCOT) February 13 - Lead with Love (Video) March 12 - The Science of Gender (Video) April 9 - Building Bridges - and Leaving Politics at the Door (TBD) May 14 - Words Matter: The Importance of LGBTQ-Friendly Language (TBD) June 11 - What’s in a Name? Various LGBTQ Identities (TBD) July 9 - Ice cream social (show up for free ice cream!) August 13 - The LGBTQ+ Healthcare Experience (TBD) September 10 - Religion and Homosexuality (TBD) October 8 - Suicide Prevention (TBD) November 12 - Under the Trans Umbrella December 10 - Oasis Gift Bags 2019 January 10 - An Approach to Humane Health Care for the LGBTQ Community (Jo Bauer, ARNP) February 14 - Lead with Love (Video) Meeting Canceled Due to Weather March 14 - Gender Queer 102 (Mac McGregor) April 11 -Religious Acceptance (Bishop Rick Jaech) May 9 - The Science of Gender (Drew Griffen) June 13 - Celebrating Pride July 11 - Ice cream social (show up for free ice cream!) August 8 - Youth at Risk Panel Discussion (Dr. Patty) September 12 - Safe Schools (Terry Rhines) October 10 - Women coming out later in life: Challenges and Joys of swimming upstream and celebrating Authentic, Whole, Empowered (AWEsome) lives (Panel) November 14 - Camp Ten Trees December 12 - Oasis Gift Bags
2018 January 11 - Lesbian Herstory Project February 8 - Love and Science Conquer Hate (Pastor Kim Latterell) March 8 - Parents of Trans Children (Panel) April 12 -LGBTQ Addiction Issues May 10 - Gender Queer 101 June 14 - Protecting the LGBTQ Community July 12 - Ice cream social (show up for free ice cream!) August 9 - Homosexuality: It’s about survival - not sex (TEDx Talk) September 13 - Trans Youth Health Issues - Aidan Key (Gender Diversity) October 11 - Coming Out Month: Positive LGBTQ Youth Development (Ken Shulman, Lambert House) November 8 - How can we eliminate the need for a Trans Day of Remembrance? (Jeremiah Allen, Transform WA) December 13 - Holiday gift bags for Oasis
2017 January 12 - Aspects of human sexuality (Dr. Patrick Chapman) February 9 - Advocacy: How to grow our voice March 9 - How the Lutheran church supports the LGBTQ community (Rev. Kim Latterell) April 13 -Where do we go from here? (Dr. Patricia Fawver) May 11 - Lead with love (DVD) June 8 - Public Officials: Moving Forward Supporting PFLAG Families and Allies. July 13 - Ice cream social (show up for free ice cream!) August 10 - Darcelle XV (DVD) September 14 - Transgender Journeys: Trans Men Speak Out October 12 - Tacoma Rainbow Center November 9 - Diversity panel (canceled) December 14 - Holiday gift bags for Oasis
2016 January 14 - We’re Not Done! A Discussion of Where We’ve been and Where We’re Going. February 11 - Love is Love: How Ref. 74 Changed Our Lives March 10 - Conversing With Religious Family and Friends About Homosexuality April 14 - Gay Parents (Video) May 12 - The Univ. Washington Trans Youth Project (When Do Kids Know?) June 9 - The Language of Diversity (Dr. Patty Fawver) July 14 - Ice Cream Social (show up for free ice cream!) August 11 - LGBT People of Color (Panel Discussion) September 8 - The TransActive Gender Center (Jenn Burleton) October 13 - “I Came Out” (Video) November 10 - Advocating for Trans Rights December 8 - Holiday Gift Bags for Oasis
2015 January 8 - Tacoma Older LGBT (Patricia McIntyre) February 12 - Lead with Love (DVD) March 12 - Coming Out: Parents Perspective (Panel discussion) April 9 - Reconciling Religious Beliefs with your LGBTQ child, family member or loved one (Pastor Ann Adkinson) May 14 - Transgender Panel June 11 - Stay tuned July 9 - Ice Cream Social (show up for free ice cream!) August 13 - Annual Open House September 10 - Trans Youth October 8 - When I Knew (DVD) November 12 - Handling Holiday Stress. December 10 - Holiday Gift Bags for Oasis
2014 December 11 - Holiday Gift Bags for Oasis November 13 - The Changing Understanding of Reparative Therapy (Dr. Patrick Chapman) October 9 - Straight to Gay: A Father’s Journey (author of this book will talk about his journey) September 11 - Safe Schools (Terry Rhines) August 14 - Annual Open House July 10 - Ice Cream Social June 12 - Pride Month May 8 - Welcoming Churches (Pastor Melvin Woolworth) April 10 - Transgender Children (Skype with Kim Pearson, Founder of TransYouth Family Allies) March 13 - Homosexuality and Religion (video) February 13 - A Personal View of Marriage Equality January 9 - Through My Eyes (video on experiences of gay Christian youth)
2013 December 12 - A night of Holiday Cheer/Assembling Gift Bags for Oasis November 14 - Comedy Night (movie & popcorn) October 10 - Dr. Patrick Chapman September 12 - Transgender Panel August 8 - Open House July 11 - Ice Cream Social June 13 - Pride Month Videos and Discussion May 9 - Oddly Normal (NY Times journalist and author John Schwartz via Skype) April 11 - Bridging the Religious Divide (Pastor Melvin Woodworth) March 14 - Transgender panel discussion February 14 - Lead with Love (video) January 10 - Helping Homeless LGBTQ Youth
2012 December 13 - Celebrating 40 years of PFLAG. November 8 - Topic TBD (Jane Ryan, Therapist) October 11 - What Determines Our Sexuality? (Dr. Patrick Chapman) September 13 - Bullying (Jennifer Kubista, Director of Student Life, Tacoma Public Schools) August 9 - Open House and auction to support Washington United for Marriage July 12 - Ice Cream Social June 14 - Legalize Gay (video) May 10 - Transgender Panel April 12 - It Gets Better (video) March 8 - What's Up with Intersex? (Jane Goto) February 9 - Dealing with the Religious Right as a Political Opponent. (Dr. Robert Minor) January 12 - Faith or family: How do I choose? (Pastor Melvin Woodworth)
2011 December 8 - Night of Remembrance November 10 - Homo for the Holidays October 13 - TBD September 8 - Queer Questions, Straight Talk (Abby Dees) August 11 - Open House July 7 - Ice Cream Social! June 9- Marc Adams (HeartStrong) May 12 - Origins of Sexuality (Dr. Patrick Chapman) April 14 - Intersex (Jane Goto). March 10 - Lead With Love (video and discussion) February 10 - What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality (Pastor Ken Colman) January 13 - Prayers for Bobby (video)
2010 December 9 - Night of Remembrance November 11 - Homo for the Holidays October 14 - Parents Journey: A Panel Discussion September 9 - When I Knew (video) August 12 - Open House July 8 - Ice Cream Social - and Movie Night! June 10- Equal Rights Washington - Marriage Equality May 13 - Panel Discussion on Homophobia April 8 - Reparative Therapy - Dr. Patrick Chapman (Author of Thou Shalt Not Love). March 11 - A House Divided: The Issues of Homosexual Clergy (Pastor Kim Latterell) February 11 - What's up with Intersex? (Jane Goto) January 14 - The Best of PFLAG: A Topical Treatment
2009 December 10 - Brag night/Candle Lighting November 12 - Homo for the Holidays – Dealing with Holiday Stress (Shannon Ledesma Jones) October 8 - Anthropology of Homosexuality and Marriage (Dr. Patrick Chapman) September 10 - PFLAG National (Kathy Reim) August 13 - Open House July 9 - The Fabulous Ice Cream Social June 11 - Growing up gay – Part 2 (video) May 14 - Growing up gay – Part 1 (video) April 9 - Transgender Panel March 12 - GLBT 101 (T. Rhines). February 12 - GLBT History (S. Cooper & K. Maxwell) January 10 - Marriage equality from different perspectives (T. Rhines & S. Cooper)
2008 December 13 - Homo for the Holidays (Shannon Le Desma-Jones) November 13 - Winged it October 9 - “Coming Out Party” (video) September 11 - “For the Bible Tells Me So” (video) August 14 - Open House July 6 - “Ask Not” (video ) + our Fabulous Ice Cream Social June 12 - HeartStrong (Marc Adams) May 8 - Youth Suicide Prevention (Renee Tinder, Pierce County) April 10 - Transgender Youth (panel) March 13 - The Origins of Sexuality (Dr. Patrick Chapman). February 10 - Grassroots Advocacy (R. Martin) January 10 - “Inlaws and Outlaws” (video)
2007 December 13 - Famous Gay People in History November 8 - Homo for the Holidays: Strategies for Handling Stressful Holidays October 11 - Coming Out Month (Huckaby Family Oprah Show Video) September 13 - Transgender Issues (speaker panel) August 9 - Open House - Come have dinner with us! July 12 - Ice Cream Social June 14 - Bisexuality May 10 - Reparative Therapy, Dr. Patrick Chapman April 12 - Safe Schools, T. Rhines March 8 - Love Will Guide Us: Rev. Ken Jones, Tacoma UUC Church. February 8 - A Personal View of Advocacy, T. Rhines January 11 - Canceled due to poor weather conditions
2006 December 14 - Remember when gay meant funny? Gay Comedians Video November 9 - Homo for the Holidays: Handling Holiday Stress, Naomi Knoble, October 12 - Coming Out September 14 - Supreme Court decision to uphold the DOMA (Attorney Laurie Jenkins) August 10 - Open House - Come have dinner with us! July 13 - Ice Cream Social with Charles Cooke from PFLAG National June 22 - The History of Pride Parades and PFLAG, T. Rhines May 25 - Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA) Panel April 27 - History of Marriage, Prof. Stephanie Coontz, Evergreen State College. March 23 - Diversity: Meeting the needs of all students (Kathy Flores, Bates Tech College) February 23 - Bridges bet. law enforcement and GLBT community (Diane Clarkson, P.C.D.P) January 26 - Same-Sex Marriage: A Civil Debate (video from Gil Foundation)
2005 December 8 - Brag Night. Bring pictures and talk about your GLBT child or friend. October 27 - The origins of sexuality, Dr. Patrick Chapman, SPSCC. September 22 - Gays in the Military (Col. Grethe, Cammermeyer and Adm. Alan Steinman.) August 25 - Annual potluck July 28 - Ice Cream Social. Great ice cream and some time to talk. June 23 - Straight from the Heart, (video) May 26 - Marc Adams & Rod Gambassi, discussing HeartStrong and Marc's new book April 28 - Suppport groups in local high schools (A panel of GSA advisors) March 24 - A Mother's Son (video/discussion with R. & A. Calhoun) February 24 - Transgender issues January 27 - Rev. Dr. James Kubal-Komoto (Same-sex marriage)
2004 December 4 - Brag Night October 23 - Bullying in schools. September 25 - Pierce County Aids Foundation August 28 - Picnic at Titlow Park, 6:00 p.m. June 26 - Alan Steinman (Don't Ask Don't Tell) May 22 - Same-sex Marriage (Alicia Lewis) April 24 - PFLAG Pioneers March 27 - Gay Adoption February 27 - Bisexuality January 23 - The Geography Club
2003 December 4 - Brag Night. Bring pictures and talk about your GLBT child or friend. October 23 - Parents' journey: Learning your child is gay. September 25 - PFLAG conference summary, Homophobia August 28 - Picnic at Titlow Park, 6:00 p.m. July 24 - Homophobia Part 2 June 26 - Homophobia May 22 - Gay Fathers Group April 24 - Oasis Youth/Coming Out March 27 - Safe Schools February 27 - Suicide prevention January 23 - Comedy night
2002 December 5 - Brag night October 24 - PFLAG National Update September 26 - Gay Fathers Association August 22 - Picnic at 6:00 p.m. Titlow Park, Tacoma July 25 - Video: Rosie O'Donnel and Diane Sawyer Interviews July 13 - - Wright Park, 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. June 27 - Chat and Chew (Open discussion and refreshments) May 23 - Responding to the Religous Right April 25 - Bisexuality February 28 - Guided imagery (Part 3 of Raising Info. Levels - Lowering Anxiety) January 24 - Having a secret (Part 2 of Raising Info. Levels - Lowering Anxiety)