ARTICLE V – BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1. The Chapter shall be governed by a Board of Directors which shall manage and conduct the business of the Chapter. The term “Director” in this document shall refer to any member of the Board of Directors, whether an officer or an at-large member. 2. The Board of Directors shall consist of the Officers, and at least two (2) at-large members who ideally have been members of the Chapter for at least one year. The exact number of at-large seats will be determined by the Board. Optimally, the majority of the directors shall be parents of LGBTQ+ children. The Board of Directors shall consist of no more than twelve (12), as may be determined from time to time by resolution of the Board of Directors. 3. The members of the Board of Directors shall be elected by the membership at the Annual Membership Meeting to serve for a period of one year and shall assume office at the conclusion of that meeting. There is no limit to the number of terms a Director can serve. 4. The Board of Directors shall meet regularly at a time and place to be determined by the Board. No further notice is required for regular Board meetings. Regular meetings of the Board are open to all Members of the Chapter. 5. A majority of the Directors currently in office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Board of Directors. In case of a tie vote, the President shall have the deciding vote. 6. The Board of Directors shall select a Director to maintain a record of Chapter membership, showing Member names, addresses or email addresses, and amounts and dates of dues payments. The purpose of this record is to track renewal dates and amounts of membership dues payments. This record shall not be made publicly available.
ARTICLE VI – OFFICERS 1. The Officers of the Chapter shall include a President, Secretary, and Treasurer; and optimally a Vice President. 2. The president, as well as at least a majority of the officers should optimally be parents of LGBTQ+ children. 3. The Officers of the Chapter should be members of the Chapter preferably for at least one year and shall be elected by the membership at the Annual Membership Meeting, to serve for a period of one year, and shall assume office at the conclusion of the meeting. Officers may serve more than one term at the discretion of the members. Despite the expiration of an Officer's term, the Officer continues to serve until a successor assumes office. a. The Officers of the Chapter shall have the following duties, as well as any others assigned to them by law, these regulations, or the Board of Directors: b. The President shall chair the meetings of the general membership and of the Board. She/He/They shall manage the affairs of the Chapter as is directed by the Board. c. The Secretary shall take minutes at all Board Meetings and the Annual Membership Meeting, document the decisions of the Board, and keep on file all official records of the Chapter. d. The Treasurer shall administer the funds of the Chapter, maintain records of income, investments and expenditures, present monthly reports to the Board, and provide the Chapter with a written report annually and at the request of the Board of Directors. e. The Vice President shall back-up the duties of the President as needed. 4. A vacancy in any office because of death, resignation, removal, disqualification or otherwise, may be filled by the Board of Directors at any time.