PayPal Donations support gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning persons, their families and friends. Donations are used to cover our general expenses, e.g. rental of our meeting location, costs for web, email, and printing, purchasing books and videos for our library, materials for safe schools training, etc. (see the About page). PFLAG Tacoma is a registered 501(3)c nonprofit organization. So your donation may be tax deductible.
Donations are securely processed through PayPal, though you don't need a PayPal account.
After your generous donation, please email us your name, amount of donation, and purpose for your donation.
Fred Meyer Fred Meyer donates $2.5 Million each year to local schools, community organizations and nonprofits (like us). If you shop at Fred Meyer, you can support the LGBTQ community by asking that donations be made to Tacoma PFLAG. You will still receive your usual fuel points and rebates. The only difference is that a donation is made to Tacoma PFLAG, at no cost to you, every time you shop at Fred Meyer.
To sign up, go to the Rewards Program website. You will need to know the nonprofit ID number for Tacoma PFLAG: XL504. Thanks, and happy shopping!